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St Davids From a Distance

Our Churches

St. Davids is part of a group of five churches called the Moreton Vale Benefice. Whilst each of our churches has is own distinct flavour and serves a particular community we work closely together and all the churches are resourced by the staff team and others from St. David's.

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St. David's Moreton-in-Marsh

There has been a visible Christian witness in Moreton since the 13th century, and the present church building is the third on the site. Built in 1858 by Joseph Gill of Bourton-on-the-Hill, it has undergone various changes since then, not least with a major reordering in 2004.

The town of Moreton owes its present form to a 13th century Abbot of Westminster, Richard of Barking, who in the late 1220s built the new town of Moreton in its present position along the Fosse Way. The church, however, is in the original settlement to the east of the Fosse Way still known as 'Old Town'. Read a more detailed history of church and town.


St. Mary's Batsford

St. Mary's Batsford is part of the Batsford Estate, which includes the House and Arboretum. There are two services a month, on the first and third Sundays at 9:30. On the first Sunday the service is Morning Prayer and on the third, it is Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer.

There has been a Christian church in Batsford since the medieval times and the present building is the third one on the site, built in 1861-2.

Longborough 2

St James’ Longborough

With regular services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, St James’s stands right at the heart of the village of Longborough, beautifully and lovingly kept. There are close links with the local church school, which often uses the building for school services. There is a very active Friends of St. James’s raising money for the upkeep of the building and a small but lively group meeting weekly for Bible study and prayer.


St. Thomas' Todenham

St. Thomas a Becket Church towers over the village of Todenham. The church holds services once a month, Holy Communion (1662) on the fourth Sunday at 9:30 am. To watch a YouTube video of the church's history click on this link.

Lower Lemington

St. Leonard's Lower Lemington

This beautiful and ancient church, dating back to the 12th century, is a gem. We normally have three services a year, at Christmas, Easter and Harvest. The church has no electricity meaning our services are entirely candle lit and have a very special atmosphere.

“As you come to Him, the living Stone ... you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” Verse of the year - 1 Peter 2:4-5