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Meet Our Staff Team

  • Ian Bentley

    Ian has been ordained for around 40 years, and served in parishes in North and central London, Eynsham, and Basingstoke. He, and his wife, Ruth, have recently retired from full-time ministry, to Moreton, where he helps out in all aspects of the ministry, as our part-time Associate Minister.

  • Peter Smith

    Peter is our Lay Parish Minister, and worshipped at St David’s for ten years before joining the staff team in April 2024. He is married to Francine, and they have three children; Harry, Matilda and Alice. Peter loves to teach and share the gospel, and see Jesus at work in people’s lives. Peter has trained as an engineer, and enjoys pretending he can fix things. He also enjoys travelling with his family, painting, growing vegetables, and writing about himself in the third person.

  • Suzy Elliott

    Suzy joined the staff team in August 2023 as our part-time children's worker having been a member of the church since 2019. Suzy and her husband Jeff have two lively (but lovely) boys. Suzy also works as an author and editor for The Lela Initiative and has recently taken up martial arts.

  • Margo Stansbury

    Margo has been a member of St. David's for 19 years, with husband Rob, and two sons, James and Jonny. Margo is our Church Administrator, but she also looks after the running of St. David's Centre, co-ordinating the bookings, and making sure all runs smoothly. In her spare time she used to run the local branch of the Mothers Union and helps with Sunday Club!

  • Sharon Squires

    Sharon grew up in Southampton and moved to Moreton in 2015. She joined the staff team as IT and Communications Worker in June 2020. Sharon is also our Assistant Treasurer and Parish Safeguarding Officer. She has one daughter and a guide dog brood called Lucy, and together they enjoy walking and movie days!

  • Max Nicholls

    Max moved to Moreton in Marsh from Walsall, in July 2012 with his wife Caroline, upon her retirement as a primary school teacher. It was walking through the doors of St David’s in September 2012 which changed both Max and Caroline’s lives forever! Having intermittently attended various CofE churches throughout their then 29 years of marriage their eyes, ears or hearts had never previously been truly opened to the salvation offered by Jesus’ death on the cross! Following coming to faith and a growing involvement in life at St David’s he has been honoured to serve as Warden since 2018.

  • Sarah Rowland

    Sarah has been a member of St David’s for 21 years but truly came to faith almost 16 years ago at a Christianity Explored course run by St David’s. She works part-time in the community as a Community Nursery Nurse in the Health Visiting team. Sarah is married to Nathan and has two adult children, Ellen and Joe. She loves watching live music and drinking coffee with friends. She began serving as Warden in May 2023.

PCC of St. David's Moreton-in-Marsh
and St. Mary's Batsford

Ex-officio members

Rev. Ian Bentley - Associate Minister
Rev. Gareth Griffith - Curate with Oversight
Max Nicholls - Churchwarden
Sarah Rowland - Churchwarden

Deanery Synod Members
Rev. Andrew Dow
Peter Hopkins
Margo Stansbury - PCC Secretary
Ruth Whitworth
Gareth Williams

Elected members

Jamie Avis
Richard Cutting
Helen Evans
Caroline Faircliff
Alan Hartridge
Charles Monroe
James Shand - Treasurer
Peter Smith
Peter Snodgrass
Valerie Warner - PCC Vice Chair


Ministry Coordinators

Our Church ministry is divided into several areas and overseen by a coordinator to enable the ministry to move forward.

Ministry Coordinators
“As you come to Him, the living Stone ... you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” Verse of the year - 1 Peter 2:4-5