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Groups for Adults

At St David’s there is a wide variety of groups that meet weekly, fortnightly or monthly to cater for all sorts of people - whether you would regard yourself as a Christian or not.

Phone Girl CE

Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored is a seven-week introduction to the Christian faith, and is ideal both for people with no prior knowledge of Christian things and for people wanting a refresher in the basics. In a typical evening we share a meal together, watch a short talk on a video, and then have a chance to discuss it in a small group. You can ask any question you like, and you won't be expected to pray or do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

We run this course a few times each year, in different locations. If you would be interested in taking part in a future course please contact the Church office.

Home groups

Home Groups

Home groups, some of which meet weekly and some fortnightly, are places we are helped to:

  1. Connect with God - through studying the Bible and praying together
  2. Connect with each other - through social times together and by offering each other practical care and support where needed.
  3. Connect with the world around us - as we are encouraged and supported in sharing our faith in daily life and praying for those around us.

Most groups meet in the evening but we have some that meet during the day.

If you would be interested in joining a home group please contact the Church office.

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Women's Bible study

The Women's Bible study consists of three groups for women of all ages meeting at St David’s Church for fellowship, Bible study and prayer. We meet every Monday morning during term time for coffee at 9:15am and study at 9:30-10:30am.


20s & 30s Group

The 20s & 30s group at St. David’s meet informally to spend time together and encourage each other with events like BBQ’s, drinks after a church service, or walks in the Cotswolds.

Tea & cake

Friday Club

Friday Club is a group for anyone of retirement age, meeting on 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at St. David’s Centre from 2:30pm – 4:30pm.

There are activities for the first hour coming together for a “Thought for the day” followed by a delicious tea of sandwiches and cake.

Please do invite friends and neighbours to come.

Mens group

Men's Group

The Men’s Group, also known as St. David’s Man2Man, is a group of men who want to share their love for the Lord with those who do not yet share that commitment. We aim to do this by providing friendship in a secure and non-threatening environment for all men regardless of age, background, or depth of faith or otherwise and at the same time enabling men to relate to each other through shared interests. This we hope to do through outings to places in which men have an interest or Indian restaurant or skittles. But our priority is to invite breakfast speakers who can help shine a light on the Christian faith.

We would welcome any man who wants to be part of this outreach or just would like to have information about future events.

MU logo

Mother's Union

The Mothers Union is an international Christian membership charity that aims to demonstrate the Christian faith in action through the transformation of communities worldwide. We are working with people of all faiths and none in 83 countries to promote stable marriage, family life and the protection of children through praying, enabling and campaigning. For more information see:

“As you come to Him, the living Stone ... you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” Verse of the year - 1 Peter 2:4-5